Lord Ganesha story | Behind real story | Famous story | Ganesha Symbolize | life lesson - Inspiring Stories

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Saturday, 20 July 2019

Lord Ganesha story | Behind real story | Famous story | Ganesha Symbolize | life lesson


At first, I wish everyone a happy 'Lord Ganesha'.
Whenever we talk about Ganesh chaturthi festival, we all remember that festival ambiance and think to enjoy that festival mood.
But from that lord Ganesh we can learn many good points.The very first point is lord Ganesh head replaced with an elephant head, Before going to bath when parvathi Devi told. Lord Ganesh to stand at that place lord Shiva walks and  Parvati Devi already told lord Ganesh           

Lord Ganesh took that words as a responsibility, in such away he fulfilled his duty and responsibility, Though his head was being cut off, still he fought with lord Shiva till the last moment. A lesson that we can have to learn from this is, Insuch away like lord Ganesh fulfilled his duties and responsibilities by sacrificing his life in the same way, We have to fulfill our duties and responsibilities very carefully and it will be valued.When the head was cut off, Parvati came and asked them about it. They decided to replace it with some other head, after a lot of search they find an elephant's head and they replaced it.

 We might have thought the elephants head isn't a good fit to the body, But today if we have to start any work first we start it with the Ganesh puja. The only thing that we have  to understand there is, that " The looks does not matter here", or the way how we look does not matter. We never talk about lord Ganesh for the way he looks or for the way he is, we always talk about his wisdom his behavior and knowledge. What we should learn and teach children is that we are being respected for our intelligence, behavior and character and not for our beauty or for the way we look.
   There is one more point, that is "EARS". Generally now a days we don't listen to what other tell us what we have to understand is lord Ganesh ears bigger and it symbolically shows that while getting to know the things happening around the world, we also have to listen to what others are saying completely.
When you listen understand and follow it in a new way life will be different and the relationship will be good.
Like this we can learn many things by knowing about lord ganesh.

I want all of you to celebrate this Ganesh chaturthi well with your entire family and I wish all of you would enjoy with your family may the blessings of lord Ganesh be with you always.
Jai hind


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