1 Have 4 wifes ~. Life has no more chance || love 1st wife too much || break up life love - Inspiring Stories

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Monday, 27 December 2021

1 Have 4 wifes ~. Life has no more chance || love 1st wife too much || break up life love


Hey! Man you take it lite don't be hurry burry in your life because god knows where is your destination. Take it very simple and easy take a move on your life, life has very simple way to survive on this world. Every move is observing by god be good at you. Finally you loss every thing to reach your final destination (graveyard). Be simple as like you don't compare yourself because you are unique in this world. 


But, remember one thing if you have a goal just get it before you die. Because you need to show what is you to your family not need to fucking society. Just keep it one thing in your mind that...
Try and try untill you reach success its not correct because what if you not reach your dream. No one will remember your face, your emotional movements, hardwork, smartwork, your feelings etc..., So, you need to that DO BEFORE DIE DREAM.

Once again iam saying that every one is going to die whether he has a dream or not. But if you think one thing that there should be some difference between dog and human even dog can also eat, sleep, cry and fuck to get more two dogs. Just try to understand the process of life making by the god.


1 men ~ 4 sharp wifes

The story is totally heart touching to every one but do not miss the end because you are going to surprise.  So, read the story till the end.

A men with 4 wifes he married 4 womens. He daily enjoying very extremely then any one in the world. He can do any thing in the world because he has a lot of money. He can buy gifts, he can spend his half of total money to enjoyment, he can go party, functions, public gathering, he can make his own career, making decisions, achievements, happy, sad, life transformation etc...,
But one last final day he attached with cancer and he will going to die in 4days. 

" He thought that why me only die i will take any one of my wife with me.(die)
Then he started to ask each and every wife to die with me...,"


Lets start with 4th wife.

4th wife

He Care's too much about his 4th wife then the 3rd wife he contributes every thing untill her wife death. In one word he contributes his half of earned money to his 4th wife. He buys costly gold, costly health food, rich make up kits, rich clothes, saries, every thing which is there in world. If any thing some thing gone wrong he will be the first and too fast to take care his 4th wife....,

Finally he ask to his 4th wife that iam going to die in 4days please come with me. But she rejects and she reply that  i will not come with you but i will come untill to graveyard to cry.

3rd wife

He will show some love and affection on 3rd wife. When he will go any parties, functions, or any public meetings etc.., he will take his 3rd wife to the parties, functions ect.., 
He will introduce to all the people that she is my 3rd wife. And he will keeps in safety place in his House. He will never ever going to make any damages to 3rd wife. Finally when ever he will going any big meetings, rich functions he will introduces to all. When the relatives comes to his house he will only introduce his 3rd wife not 4th wife...,

Finally he asks to 3rd wife that iam going to die in 4days please come with me to die. Even the 3rd wife also rejects and she reply that i will not come with you but when you die i immediately get marry with other.


2nd wife

He will show too much better love then the 3rd and 4th wife. When ever he want to make any life decisions he will ask 2nd wife only. When he achieves any thing first he will shares to his 2nd wife only. When ever he feel happy, sad. Life changing, job decisions any big and major decisions etc..., He will approach 2nd wife.

Finally he asks to 2nd wife that iam going to die with in 4days please come with me to die. Even she also rejects and reply that I will not come with you but i will cry till last minute of your graveyard.

1st wife

Here the fist wife will loves genuinely. But he will not cares. He will not take any major decision, he will not take her any parties, function, he will not contribute even single rupee to her 1st wife.
Finally he will not cares and he will not even see her face.

At last he asks to 1st wife that iam going to die with in 4days please come with me to die. But she reply very good that i will come with you. Finally he felt emotional and realised.


Life story realisation of every one u~turn point of story.

4th wife

Do you believe or not. Here the 4th wife is your 'SKIN'. It will not come with you when you die it will stay on ground only in the form of hash. Just try to realize. Do not wast your time on your skin by face glow, makeup, gold, etc.., i will not come with you. So, be like you and die like a legend.

3rd wife

Here the 3rd wife is your property's, assets, gold, buildings, cars etc...., It will not come with you when you die just try to understand. They all going to marry or tie up with other after you die.
Be satisfied what you have...,

2nd wife

Here the 2nd wife is fucking society. That means when you want any life changing decision  you will ask first to your relatives, friends, colleagues, and all other opinions to your decision making. They all come with you untill graveyard to cry last minute.
Just try to understand the purpose of life.

1st wife

Here a good news to you here the first wife is your soul. In this world no one believes what soul tells you. But at the end of you death it will come with you. This is real life.

The story taken from Crishna chaitanya Reddy.
Stories you create youtube channel.

The final destination of life.

  • Mother ~ will not come with you
  • Friends ~ will not come with you
  • Blood friends ~ will not come with you
  • Relatives ~. Will not come with you
  • Brother & sisters ~ will not come with you
  • Father ~ will not come with you
  • Life partner ~ will not come with you
  • Teaches ~ will not come with you

The soul only will come with you. So, make sure that you are unique and magical person in this world. 
Don't wast your time on Instagram, what's app, you tube, Google, facebook, snapchart, etc..,
 Social Media is tool. Here the tool using you or tool using you. 



Life has a lot of chance make your choose to fuck the life. But remember one thing no one will come when you are in struggle, no one will going to help you when you in need. Just be like you, be honest. Chill the life with good values.
Once again iam saying that money is not every thing but every thing needs money.
Make money ~ make life ~make happy.

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